Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Exploration Of Neptunes Moon Triton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exploration Of Neptunes Moon Triton - Essay Example The presence of the geysers brought ideas that the interior of the Triton id probably geologically active. ("Neptune's Moons") The interior of the moon may have been warm enough at one time to contain a liquid layer just under the surface. And just as the Earth's case, there are some creatures that can survive in very cold water such as those living creatures under the ice of the North Pole. ("Life") On the other hand, since Triton is located inside the magnetosphere of Neptune, which is very harmful to life, the speculations have altered. But the presence of Nitrogen in the atmosphere is believed to be a waste product left behind by life forms. Its presence in Triton's atmosphere only makes the speculations of the presence of life forms in the Neptune's largest moon even stronger, provided that the interior is warm enough that may just be enough for living creatures under the icy surface of the moon. ("Life") Map surface temperature and composition of Neptune's moon Triton. ... Other elements found in its atmosphere may aid in finding out the questions for determining the distribution of volatiles and major photometric units on the moon. ("Mapping") Characterize the surface geology and morphology of Triton. The surface geology and morphology of the Neptune's moon Triton will allow scientists to discover its physical structures. Geological and morphological features found in its surface may help find out whether there had been creatures that were present in the satellite. Characterize the neutral atmosphere of Triton. Finding out the neutral atmosphere of Triton as well helps identify whether it could sustain a life of a creature that may have lived in the moon.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Communication and Crisis paper Essay Example for Free

Communication and Crisis paper Essay When a certain crisis is going or a situation at the time then the emergency management office is going to be communicating with one another inside of the office and also outside of the organization as well. When dealing with and issue or matter however you look at it no matter what but also sometimes to it can be very difficult for the organization to meet up with one another at the time to get information about what is going on in the community or town during the time. But when you are working with so many different organization at the time communication can be hard for all of them that why you to come up with an idea for the groups or organization when discussing a certain topic with information you have it must be a design timely matter for things to be cover and also each member must be available while working with one another and also be very cooperation to when it comes to the organizations so you won’t cause the public to have an panic attack about the matter that is going on in the community. That which could cause a lot more of problems down the line for the town as well your own self while a crisis is going on that is why the emergency management office have to be very carefully what they say on news and television and the radio broadcast station about a crisis so they don’t put people under more pressure while communicate about the crisis that is involved the community. When a crisis is taking place at a certain time there are going to be many advantages and challenges with every organization as well to for the public no matter what. The one thing you have to do is make sure there are no challenges or advantages that might make the people in the community have a panic attack or a nervous breakdown while a crisis is going on that which  harms them at the time. But when the emergency management office get certain information about a crisis at the time they must get expertise information from other resources that is adequate when dealing with a certain matter that is why they take precautions also to as well to. Because when a certain crisis is going on people can breakdown under pressure so this is why the organizations should be prepared for things like this also there should be more integrated communication plan in place while collaboration with one another at the very moment about a topic or crisis. Differences in communication processes what one has learned from the scenario and how one might incorporate that knowledge to improve healthcare communication strategies? I know there are so many different types of communications processes that you can used when dealing a certain situation or crisis at the time. But also you must have effective communication with one another while a crisis is going on and making sure you have a better understanding as well to. I think the best way to go with communication method is the effective way because every little thing will be on the television, news station and the radio station along with the social media to because when a certain crisis is going on at the time one must find a way to communicate about the situation or matter that is why now it is a lot more of technology available to communicate today around the world. When trying to send a message out to others that is why one must find out what communication strategy method work for them best when trying to improve healthcare communication skills with one another at that time in the field of medical. Appropriate technology like social media and how technologies may be used to enhance communication when a crisis is going or even an certain situation at the moment there are certain things that should be used and appropriate to use or say in the social media while you are reach out to a lot of people around the world at the time like this. Because sometimes people can go online and add more things about the crisis or situation that might not even be true at all that is why the organization must be very carefully when sending out a message to the public about a certain topic or matter also the  social media must have information to back up a crisis that is happened while they are communicate about topic with information that is mostly reliable and telling the truth as well also before it even get out to the public. Because you don’t want to send out the wrong message to the public because that will be worldwide no matter what also the technology should enhance their communication skills during and time like this in the social media but in the healthcare field they should try to come up with a lot more of communication theory that is going to be very effective in a crisis by having more advancement in technology. How technology may be used differently now then it was during the crisis is in certain crisis at the moment that is going on one must use the appropriate communication skills strategy that fit them very best to their ability with the most accurate information in an crisis form of communication that is being broadcast all over the different types of networks at the very important moment. This is why one must have a certain type of communication method while working with technology today in the social media spotlight that is going to be on the local television stations and radio station as well also to for the emergency management technologies while they are reaching out to the population around the world about a main disaster crisis at the time with updated information in a more timely manner. Media opportunities during a crisis The media have so many different opportunities when it comes to an crisis that is taking place at the time with television airtime and news station and radio station as well also to with the newspaper no matter what. Because this is a lot more of good media time for them with many more opportunities as well when they look at it for the time being that which will put them on top in the big spotlight by promote their self and business to because they know many people are going to watch the news for information about a certain crisis or issue that is being broadcast as well that is going be good for publicity In an crisis that is going on at the moment it is an essential to have good  communication skill for the people inside of the community at the time by let them know what it is going and also by not causing any problems or panic attacks by trying your best to describe what is being done as possible to prevent this matter. By having good communication skills strategy when it all comes down to communicating with each other in all of these types of organization in the field so everyone can get the information in a timely manner and order as well to. But however you look at it there are going to be some challenges and advantages while things is being address to the public about certain situation when talking to the community and town of people. And also when one is discussing an crisis at the time they must make sure it is appropriate to the technology as well also to with the social media that they are going to using in the spotlight and also this is a very good opportunity to the media as well to while a crisis is going on that is a competitions. References Du Pre, A.(2005) Communicating about health: current issues and perspectives (2nd Ed) Boston, M.A MC Graw Hill J, S . H . Randolph, T.B. (2002) toward a synthesis model for crisis communication in the public sector Journal of business and technical communication Retrieved on June 13, 2013 from proquest database Stephenson D, R (1982) How to turn pit falls into opportunities in crisis situation: public relation quarterly retrieved on June 14, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2019

Teaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools Essay -- Religion in Publ

Teaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools I find myself disagreeing with Kozol and his statement that schools should be an institution where morals can be taught and developed. It is my belief that schools should not be held responsible for instilling morals and ethics into the minds of America's children. Of course, it is true that schools should instill and reinforce morals that are part of our everyday existence. Those of the Golden Rule, as well as the wrongs of death and destruction can be, not so much taught, rather restated in institutions of learning. It is my opinion, however, those morals should be taught in the home. Most classrooms are made up of people of various religious and ethnic backgrounds. I t is impossible, therefore, to instill one set of beliefs into such a diverse group. Many people would argue that parents are away too much to raise their children to be moral beings. However, it is my belief that parents should be able to make time for instilling such beliefs. If you want to have a moral and ethical child, then you must work for it. Rather than sitting in front of the TV for 4 hours and then going to bed, parents must find time to speak to children about such issues. I personally do not ever remember being introduced to the concept of God and of heaven. It wasn't as if my parents sat me down one day and explained these theological ideas to me. Merely by spending time with my parents, I was able to gain much perspective into their own morals and ethical patterns. It was, in fact, through schooling, and the facts that I was taught there, that I was able to expand on the ideals that I wished to achieve and model them more towards the world in which I was now living. If one were to ask a grown ... ...with the fact that many people are unwilling to allow their children to be taught such things in a place that should be focusing on the classic three R's. The government made its stand on this issue through the separation of church and state. Not only were theological teachings left out of the school curriculum, but also, so were the morals that went along with these teachings. This is how I feel the issue of teaching morals and ethics to today's children should be dealt with in America. There must be a complete overhaul of the school system we have in place, or a remarkable change of heart of many people whom have been fighting for centuries over minor differences in religious teachings. Otherwise, there will be no other way to ensure that children in America are growing up with a sense of values, which will allow them to make a difference in tomorrow's world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Educating Rita Notes

Into the World examines how various texts represent stages of growing up and maturation. transitional phase, marked by new challenges, opportunities and relationships described as a ‘rite of passage’, a time of change and adaption from one world of experience into another. offers knowledge, understanding and insight as well as more arduous and difficult consequences. Worlds encountered are varied as well as the unique and individual ways that people cope with the pressures of moving out ‘into the world’.When responding to texts, students are to demonstrate the different pathways (worlds and ways of coping) that are available. Educating Rita – Willy Russell explores notions of personal growth and self awareness through the transformation and process of change that occurs in Frank and Rita. the playwright describes the play as â€Å"a love story†, although the relationship that unfolds between Rita and Frank is also a story about â€Å"literatur e, language and education†. n educative relationship between teaching and learning is examined through the transition from ignorance to knowledge and enlightenment. an educational context is used to explore the development of skills, attitudes, values and outlook that takes place in Frank and Rita. Frank and Rita’s interaction as teacher and student triggers a re-evaluation of self and their relationship with their world. The bond they form generates the emotional impetus (force) needed to undergo fundamental (so basic as to be hard to alter, resolve, or overcome) change. his is represented through Rita and Frank’s juxtaposition of class, background, social expectations and values. in the introduction of the play, Russell explains that he aimed to achieve this in a way that â€Å"engaged† an audience and â€Å"was relevant to those who considered themselves uneducated, those whose daily language is not the language of the university or the theatre. † the play explores fundamental notions of education including the motivations and dreams that inspire teacher and student alike.Educating Rita has proved to be highly successful because Bildungsroman elements of self-realisation, allow it to â€Å"transcend barriers of language, class and race† and strike an empathetic chord with audiences. the genre of Bildungsroman has an educative focus that looks at the inter-relationship of man and society. the focus is the extended journey of personal development that the protagonist undergoes. the tone is typically personal, reflective and highly subjective. erceptions of self and social identity are examined and as such the characterisation is psychologically complex and morally ambiguous (unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made). changes that occur are often motivated by a desire for self-improvement or self-fulfillment and can result in a greater self-knowledge. these features are clearly seen by the altered outlooks both Rita and frank exhibit by the end of their time together. STRUCTURE: fifteen scene, ‘two-hander’ script with only two characters. each scene depicts one of rita’s visits, charting the growing relationship between teacher and pupil. Educating Rita Notes Into the World examines how various texts represent stages of growing up and maturation. transitional phase, marked by new challenges, opportunities and relationships described as a ‘rite of passage’, a time of change and adaption from one world of experience into another. offers knowledge, understanding and insight as well as more arduous and difficult consequences. Worlds encountered are varied as well as the unique and individual ways that people cope with the pressures of moving out ‘into the world’.When responding to texts, students are to demonstrate the different pathways (worlds and ways of coping) that are available. Educating Rita – Willy Russell explores notions of personal growth and self awareness through the transformation and process of change that occurs in Frank and Rita. the playwright describes the play as â€Å"a love story†, although the relationship that unfolds between Rita and Frank is also a story about â€Å"literatur e, language and education†. n educative relationship between teaching and learning is examined through the transition from ignorance to knowledge and enlightenment. an educational context is used to explore the development of skills, attitudes, values and outlook that takes place in Frank and Rita. Frank and Rita’s interaction as teacher and student triggers a re-evaluation of self and their relationship with their world. The bond they form generates the emotional impetus (force) needed to undergo fundamental (so basic as to be hard to alter, resolve, or overcome) change. his is represented through Rita and Frank’s juxtaposition of class, background, social expectations and values. in the introduction of the play, Russell explains that he aimed to achieve this in a way that â€Å"engaged† an audience and â€Å"was relevant to those who considered themselves uneducated, those whose daily language is not the language of the university or the theatre. † the play explores fundamental notions of education including the motivations and dreams that inspire teacher and student alike.Educating Rita has proved to be highly successful because Bildungsroman elements of self-realisation, allow it to â€Å"transcend barriers of language, class and race† and strike an empathetic chord with audiences. the genre of Bildungsroman has an educative focus that looks at the inter-relationship of man and society. the focus is the extended journey of personal development that the protagonist undergoes. the tone is typically personal, reflective and highly subjective. erceptions of self and social identity are examined and as such the characterisation is psychologically complex and morally ambiguous (unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made). changes that occur are often motivated by a desire for self-improvement or self-fulfillment and can result in a greater self-knowledge. these features are clearly seen by the altered outlooks both Rita and frank exhibit by the end of their time together. STRUCTURE: fifteen scene, ‘two-hander’ script with only two characters. each scene depicts one of rita’s visits, charting the growing relationship between teacher and pupil.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Importance of Accountability Essay

Accountability is important in any organization, in health care patients live can be at stake. â€Å"Accountability is defined as â€Å"being answerable to audiences for performing up to certain prescribed standards, thereby fulfilling obligations, duties, expectations, and other charges†. Employees on all levels need to be kept on a certain standard so accountability will be measured by performance assessments, this can be done weekly, biweekly, monthly and yearly. Check and balances is in place so that one department is not favorable over others, every department so that the organization can be successful. Having everyone accountable for their actions will increase workplace productions because others will not have to worry about others tasks. Maintaining a positive morale is essential it will increase employee’s productions and reduce employee error especially in a health care setting. Measuring Employees Accountability â€Å"As managers, providing an honest and thoughtful assessment can help your employees learn and grow, thereby making them more productive team members. Wilbanks, L. (2011).† Assessments are the core of any organizations because this is where a manager and employee can see where someone is lacking and address the problem. Positive reviews are praise for the employee that is doing their job correctly but negative reviews is where employee will need to address the problems by improving or getting more training. Yearly assessments are the most important because it is going to take every past assessment into consideration and if improve is not seen disciplinary actions may be taken as far being laid off depending on management’s decision. Check-and-Balance Checks-and-balances in government is put in place so that no one branch of government is more powerful than any other one. Organizations adopted this process so that no one department gets all the power but there is a certain amount of power to each department so that the organization can be successful. If power is not equally divided one or more departments are not going to be effective in the care for its patients. Accountability Organizations Working Culture There are many ways accountability is important and will affect a working culture usually in a positive way. One way that it will positively affect the work place is that employees will stick to their task at hand and not have to do other employees tasks. Each employee needs to be accountable for what their job description says and stick to their assignment. In a health care setting doing more than the employee is entitled to can be a serious problem especially if they are underqualified. For instance a monitor tech should only worry about the monitor but if a patient complains about being in pain he/she cannot give the patient anything that should be handled by nurses with directions by the physicians. There can be serious consequences for the technician because it can drastically affect the patient even causing death if something was administered wrong. Each patient was hired to do certain tasks and veering off those tasks should not be acceptable by any organizations. Positive Culture Morale is important in any organization because without a positive morale employees will not want to work or not put their full effort into their work. â€Å"Happy workers are known to be more creative, productive and team oriented. Jennifer Newman and, D. G. (2006, Jul 19).† Creating a positive culture among employees could be a difficult task for managers but not impossible. Having everyone accountable for their tasks and if organization goals are being met, rewards can be given out such as bonuses or lunches. This goes a long way for employees and shows what they should strive for instead of being off task. Employees knowing that they will get rewarded for their hard work and dedication can create a positive workplace for everyone as well as patients. Avoiding Culture of Blame The blame game is something to be avoided in the workplace because it only cause stress and strain on everyone in the workplace. Managers need to make sure it is understood that each employee stays on task and for those that are lacking or not handling their jobs will be met with disciplinary actions the day of their assessment. Keeping control is going to be very important for the managers because extra stress can lead to problems with patients. Importance of Accountability In this paper the importance of accountability was elaborated thoroughly, each employee needs to be accountable for each and every action they do on a day to day basis. Weekly, biweekly and annual assessments is a very important measurement so that the performance of each is kept at a certain standard. Keeping each department in a check-and-balance is important so that no one department is seen as all powerful among others. Each department needs to cooperate amongst each other to make the organization successful. Accountability is important so that there is a positive working culture. References Jennifer Newman and, D. G. (2006, Jul 19). 11 ways to boast morale in the workplace. Harbour City Star. Retrieved from Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2007). Managing for success in health care. St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Wilbanks, L. (2011). Performance reviews. IT Professional Magazine, 13(1), 58-60. doi:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Justice in the American South From Atticus Finch

Justice in the American South From Atticus Finch Atticus Finch is the hero and principal  character of both of American writer Harper Lees novels, the beloved classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), and the achingly painful Go Set a Watchmen (2015). In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus is a strong, fully developed character:  a man of principle who is willing to risk his life and his career in the pursuit of justice for wrongly accused Tom Robinson. Atticus cares deeply about the rights of individuals regardless of race, making him an important role model for his daughter, Scout, from whose perspective the novel is written. To Kill a Mockingbirds Atticus is one of the best-known and most beloved father figures in American literature. Atticus Finch Quotes on Justice You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view....Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. The one thing that doesnt abide by majority rule is a persons conscience.   Which, gentlemen, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinsons skin, a lie I do not have to point out to you. You know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women- black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men. There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a woman without desire. â€Å"But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal- there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court. It can be the Supreme Court of the United States or the humblest JP court in the land, or this honorable court which you serve. Our courts have their faults as does any human institution, but in this country, our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts, all men are created equal.† As you grow older, youll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something, and dont you forget it- whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash. Courage Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. Its knowing youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew.† Best way to clear the air is to have it all out in the open.   â€Å"You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don’t you let ‘em get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change.† Raising Children When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness sake. But dont make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion faster than adults, and evasion simply muddles em. â€Å"Are you proud of yourself tonight that you have insulted a total stranger whose circumstances you know nothing about?† â€Å"Theres a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep em all away from you. Thats never possible.† Its never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesnt hurt you. Mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They dont eat up peoples gardens, dont nest in corncribs, they dont do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit em, but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird.† Quotes About Atticus Finch in  Go Set a Watchman The best and most ringing quotations from Go Set a Watchman are not those of Atticus, but rather about him, particularly words from his brother, Uncle Jack Finch. Jack Finch is instrumental in making the young adult Scout, Jean Louise, recognize that although her father is not the perfect saint she remembered from her childhood, he is still a fair man. Go Set a Watchman is a hard read for those of us who loved the ideal Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird, but understanding the history of the novel explains why she couldnt write another word. She had written an ideal man of justice in the American South, and she knew that wasnt a perfect thing to be. Both novels define and describe Harper Lees coming of age. â€Å"Every man’s island, Jean Louise, every man’s watchman, is his conscience. There is no such thing as a collective conscious.† The Souths in its last agonizing birth pain. Its bringing forth something new and Im not sure I like it, but I wont be here to see it. You will. Men like me and my brother are obsolete and weve got to go, but its a pity well carry with us the meaningful things of this society- there were some good things in it. â€Å"As you grew up, when you were grown, totally unknown to yourself, you confused your father with God. You never saw him as a man with a man’s heart, and a man’s failings- I’ll grant you, it may have been hard to see, he makes so few mistakes, but he makes ’em like all of us.† The law is what he lives by. Hell do his best to prevent someone from beating up somebody else, then hell turn around and try to stop no less than the Federal governmentjust like you, child.   You turned and tackled no less than your own tin god. But remember this, hell always do it by the letter and by the spirit of the law. Thats the way he lives.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Marine Science vs. Oceanograph essays

Marine Science vs. Oceanograph essays The European Sea Floor Observatory Network is establishing a network of long-term, sea floor observatories at key provinces around the European area in relation to physical, chemical, oceanographic and biological phenomena. ESONET is focused in the ocean margin areas which are less well known and generally beyond the reach of existing ocean data systems. The European Ocean Margin region extends approximately 15,000 kilometers from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, comparable with the total land mass of Europe. Only a small fraction has been explored and new features and animals are discovered every year. The objective is to produce a practical plan for long term monitoring of the ocean margin environment around Europe. ESONET will be complementary to other oceanographic networks. Both long-term data collection and alarm capability in the event of hazards, like earthquakes, will be considered. Another relationship between geological oceanography and marine biology is the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), set in the late 1980s to study the ocean carbon cycle. An ambitious goal was set to understand the controls on the concentrations of carbon and associated nutrients in the ocean. A new field of ocean biogeochemistry emerged with an emphasis on quality measurements of carbon system parameters and interdisciplinary field studies of the biological and physical process which control the ocean carbon cycle. As they studied ocean biogeochemistry, they learned that the simple views of carbon uptake and transport were severely limited. JGOFS has been supported primarily by the U.S. National Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The European Sea Floor Observatory Network is establishing a network of long-term, sea floor observatories at key provinces around the European area in relation to physical, chemical, oceanographic and biological phenomena. ESONET is focused i ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Fizzy Sherbet Powder Candy Recipe

Fizzy Sherbet Powder Candy Recipe Sherbet powder is a sweet powder that fizzes on the tongue. Its also called sherbet soda, kali, or keli. The usual way to eat it is to dip a finger, lollipop, or licorice whip into the powder. If you live in the right part of the world, you can purchase Dip Dab sherbet powder in a store or online. Its also super easy to make yourself, plus its an educational science project. Ingredients 6 teaspoons citric acid powder or crystals3 tablespoons sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)4 tablespoons (or more, adjust to taste) icing sugar or sweetened powdered drink mix (e.g., Kool-Aid) Substitutions: There are several possible ingredient substitutions that will produce fizzy carbon dioxide bubbles. You can mix-and-match citric acid, tartaric acid, or malic acid for the acidic ingredient.You can use sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), baking powder, sodium carbonate (washing soda), and/or magnesium carbonate as the basic ingredient.The sugar or flavoring is up to you, but its worth knowing most flavored drink mixes contain an acidic ingredient, so if you cant find any of the acids, you can simply combine a flavored drink mix that contains one of the acidic ingredients with any of the basic ingredients.  The ratio of the ingredients is not critical. You can adjust the recipe to add more sugar, a sugar substitute, or a different amount of acidic and basic ingredients. Some recipes call for a 1:1 mix of acidic and basic components, for example. Make Fizzy Sherbet If your citric acid comes as large crystals rather than as a powder, you may wish to crush it with a spoon.Mix together these ingredients.Store sherbet powder in a sealed plastic bag until youre ready to use it. Exposure to moisture starts the reaction between the dry ingredients, so if the powder gets damp before you eat it, it wont fizz.You can eat it as-is, dip a lollipop or licorice into it, or add the powder to water or lemonade to make it fizz. How Sherbet Powder Fizzes The reaction that makes sherbet powder fizz is a variation of the baking soda and vinegar chemical reaction used to make the classic chemical volcano. The fizzy lava in the baking soda volcano forms from the chemical reaction between sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and acetic acid (in vinegar). In fizzy sherbet, sodium bicarbonate reacts with a different weak acid citric acid. The reaction between the base and the acid produces carbon dioxide gas bubbles. These bubbles are the fizz in sherbet.   While the baking soda and citric acid react slightly in the powder from the natural humidity in the air, exposure to water in saliva allows the two chemicals to react much more easily, so much more carbon dioxide fizz is released when the powder gets damp.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Popular culture 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Popular culture 5 - Assignment Example Hip hop culture was extended beyond music to include films including Wild Style and Style Wars; a documentary made in 1983 on the hip hop culture. Style Wars captured the essence of the ramshackle subway system in New York as public playground of the graffiti writers, spectacular artistic canvas, and battleground. While the New York Transit Authority and the police opposed them by all means, the city was rocked by the DJs, MCs, and B-boys whose new moves, new sounds, and breakdance battles around the street corners catalyzed the evolution of a new dimension of performance arts (â€Å"The Original Style†). These films particularly helped expand the hip hop culture’s appeal beyond New York. The hip hop culture was omnipresent in the performing arts of the 1980s and the 1990s because young Black Americans, who were freshly coming out of the civil rights movement saw it as a way of demonstrating the limitations of the movement to the wider world. The conservatives vigorously opposed hip hop because it romanticized law-breaking, the culture of gangs, and violence. Hip hop expanded beyond boundaries in the 1990s (Katz 180). It had become practically synonymous with the culture of American youth especially because it was loved by the legions of the white youth. â€Å"White fans no longer listen to hip-hop on the sly or surreptitiously rhyme in front of the mirror; they form bands and rhyme on MTV† (Aaron). The underlying connotations of the growing hip hop culture was the growing influence of Black Americans on the culture and media of America. Hip hop music culture of the 1980s and 1990s lent Black Americans their unique identity in media and literature and served as a platform for them to portray their concerns to the society and the world at

Collective Bargaining Process in P-12 Education Research Paper

Collective Bargaining Process in P-12 Education - Research Paper Example Significant Changes in Education Law Section 3012-c The revamp of the old law carried with it major changes in the evaluation process of teachers and principals, known as the new and improved Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) system for teachers and principals. â€Å"The new APPR system applies only to evaluations of teachers in the common branch subjects or English Language Arts, and Math in grades four through eight, as well as building principals for the school year 2011-2012. The new APPR system will apply to all teachers and principals effective in the 2012-2013 school years. The APPR system requires teacher and principal evaluations to result in a single composite score made up of the several components† (New York Labor and Employment). The composite score shall be the basis for the teacher’s promotion, retention, tenure, termination, and will entitle the teacher to additional compensation. The composite score shall be divided into the following criter ia: The first 40% percent shall be based on the student’s achievement and the other 60% shall comprise of the teacher’s overall effectiveness. Modification of the Existing Provisions of Collective Bargaining Agreement Based on the labor relations standpoint, the requirement of a negotiated appeals process is one of the more contentious aspects of the new law. The appeals process by the way, is developed locally, wherein the teacher or principal shall have the right to question the basis of the evaluation. The factors taken in deriving at such result must be compliant to specific standards and guidelines for reviews and implementation of a â€Å"Teacher Improvement Plans† (TIP) and the â€Å"Principal Improvement Plans† (PIP). This method will be used for those teachers and... It aims to discuss the direct relationship of the new law to the concurrent provisions contained in the previous collective bargaining agreements. Due to the enactment of the new law, it mandated that all collective bargaining agreements entered by teachers and building principals after July 1, 2010 must be harmonize and complement with provisions of the new law. This report stresses that the new law does not require the school district, BOCES, parents’ and teachers’ representative union to indicate the references used in the newly incorporated provisions in the successor collective bargaining agreements. Strict observance must be complied as regard to the consistencies with the provisions of the new Education Law. This paper makes a conclusion that the enactment of the new law redounds to the benefit of the school district, BOCES, teachers and principals because they are given equal opportunities to improve their existing conditions and opens doors for more better opportunities which they can enjoy in the future. In the case of the students, they will be ensured of quality education as their teachers are required to attain a high level of effectiveness among their students. According to Tom Loveless, â€Å"what is certain however is that the scope of bargaining, although previously restricted in many states with regard to issues of wages, hours and working conditions, has in practice greatly expanded beyond those formal limits†.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hired as a political consultant to pick a party and outline its Essay

Hired as a political consultant to pick a party and outline its chances of winning - Essay Example The development of the blanket primary was as a result of the enactment of the Top two candidates Open Primary Act. The rule of the law was to develop a system that encourages competition among the participants and encourage the development of increased participation between the people of California. The act gives an opportunity for a candidate to advance into the general elections using the majority votes (Arnold 56). However, the law has not lived up to its expectation because of several challenges. It increased election spending because the election campaign period was extended to one year. From the research, conducted on the new enactment may lead to the development of increased power of the particular interest groups that fund the participants. The resultant effect of the blanket primary was the establishment of the same party candidates battling in the general elections which affected the success of the parties in the election process (Karol 43). In the past elections, the demo crats had seven candidates, and it led to increased competition. The political history of California District The district was created in 3rd January 1963 and has redistricted several times since its creation. However, the political climate of the district indicates strong affiliation to the Republican Party. The first two representatives were from the Republican Party, but were later followed by a reign of two Democratic representatives. Since then, the district has oscillated between republican and democrat and is currently under the leadership of Janice Hahn a democrat. Looking back at the last elections republicans led to the development of ideas and strong belief that the next election will have a republican representative taking over. The democrat reign in the House of Representatives will come to an end in the next election because there is a likelihood of the voters to change party from Democrat to Republican. However, from the trend illustrated above there is a high likelih ood of the voters, to vote in a republican representative. However, on the recent times,, the Democrat has benefited in winning the house of representative several times because of the consistency developed (Bishin 34). However, the population is getting tired with the increasing democratic representation. However, one vital issue evident in the election is that the president, governor, and house of representative votes of the district has shown similarities in the sense that; in most cases, they vote in the same party for president and governors. The success of the whole process of the campaign will be dependent on the ability to address issues of governance such as leadership and development. The success of a candidate depends on the ability to address the issues of the district differently from the set performance. Success will be if the candidate offers insight into the social issues. Current situation of the district The district was the 9th competitive congressional primaries in 2012 with the focus being the focus of the situation is based on the ability to solve the district problems. The success of the current candidates is based on the successful campaign process developed by the candidate. The success of the candidates in articulating the social issues was vital model for success. For a Republican Party candidate with the focus to win the next electio

Adopting a mac system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Adopting a mac system - Assignment Example de a mock website enabling the management to visualise how a website may benefit their business and also for the report to elaborate on any technical issue that may become apparent during or after the transition. The aim of this project is to integrate the knowledge and skills learned through out the HNC/HND Computing course and to deliver a practical and realistic solution to the business related problem that I have chosen. The objectives for the project are to demonstrate my ability in producing a technically sound document that highlights the required details mentioned in my project proposal and to provide an effective and economical solution to the proposed scenario. During the process of compiling the required information it will be necessary to provide a very brief systems analysis of the old system, it is not my intention to do a complete analysis of the system but I shall provide enough information and data on this topic to allow the project to be completed. LM photography is a company which deals with photography who currently specialize in Weddings and special occasions, they also have two in-house studios where they take family and portrait photographs. The company was started in the year 2005 by Lisa Mary Moggach to turn a life long passion into a sustainable, financially viable business. The business took of well in 2006 when two large wedding planning companies approached LM photography and asked them to supply photographers and equipment for 196 weddings over two years. LM photography took the opportunity and drafted in ten freelance photographers and ten assistant to cope with the additional workload. In 2009 the fledgling company are still flourishing but the management have realized that there current IT system does not have the foundations to be continually built on, as the system can be unstable and unreliable when in constant use. The decision was made to employ an IT company who were to propose a new Macintosh based operating system

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Public Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Administration - Research Paper Example The Hamiltonian School of thought holds that power rests with the executive. A perfect public administration according to Hamilton was one that was developed under a dynamic centralized executive control system. He frequently opposed state power in favor of centralized federal power (Milakovich and Gordon 441). The Jeffersonian Tradition of Public Administration was mainly developed during Thomas Jefferson’s latter years. This tradition dwells on the effects of political processes on government administration as well as the importance of connecting contemporary public policy with republican principles that are found in the constitution. Jefferson once stated that he knew of â€Å"no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves†¦every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone† (Farmer 76). To Jefferson, power resides in the people being governed and not to those doing the governing. The Madisonian school of thought holds that the best public administration practices are to be achieved through the separation of powers between national government and the state. To Madison power should be shared between the central and federal governments. The Madisonian Tradition of Public Administration focuses on the need of proper representation under a constitutional institution is the basis that should be used to share power (Warwick and Reed 156). Woodrow Wilson referred Public Administration to as a â€Å"government in action†. He also added that public administration was the executive, the operative and â€Å"the most visible side of government†. The Wilsonian Public Administration tradition emphasizes that public administration should function separately from the interests of the leaders. This school of thought says that power should be left in the hands of an active central government (Farmer 27). Public administration has greatly evolved over the years. The first

Total Compensation Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Total Compensation Methods - Essay Example Compensation and benefits, like we all know are rewards that an organization gives to its employees in return of their efforts and services that they have given. These rewards may vary from direct to indirect forms. There are various methods to compensate employees and each method and benefits may have its own impact on the employees and on overall the organization, and this is what we are going to discuss below. This is one method of compensating those employees who have certain needed skills, whether job related or not. This is a creative way of paying for the internal skills and gives a flexible job design, where employees could move from one assignment to another on periodic basis. This is another method of compensating employees. Here those employees are compensated who are the key performers. They are though paid within a certain pay range. The organization here does not need to promote its employees, as they would already be paying them more comparatively. Broadbanding normally provides flexibility, entrepreneurial management style and performance orientation. Provides flexibility to the employees, promotes lateral development of employees, helps in developing employees skills and encourages a team focus and directs employees attention away from vertical promotional activities. Impact on organization It make compensation system more simpler that de-emphasizes structure and control and places greater importance on judgment and flexible decision making. Group Incentives, Gain Sharing, Success Sharing These are other methods of compensating employees. Here the compensation, which is the certain amount of profit of the organization, is given not to one but a group those employees who are identified directly with the improvement. The key here is to share the success of the organization with the employees. Impact on employee When the employees see that gain sharing supports a true pay for performance culture, hence they see their progress linked directly to the organization. The commitment to the organization is thus increased. Impact on organization Many organizations already having gain sharing as their means of compensating employees and have found an improved organizational communication, especially between labor and management and between different functional units. Benefit Programs Workers Compensation This is one kind of legally required benefit, which like others is meant for benefiting the employees. This benefit provides a degree of financial protection to those employees who have incurred expenses resulting from job related accident or illness. The organization pays for the workers compensation insurance, and the expense is tied to their past experience and job related accidents and illness. Impact on emplo

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Public Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Administration - Research Paper Example The Hamiltonian School of thought holds that power rests with the executive. A perfect public administration according to Hamilton was one that was developed under a dynamic centralized executive control system. He frequently opposed state power in favor of centralized federal power (Milakovich and Gordon 441). The Jeffersonian Tradition of Public Administration was mainly developed during Thomas Jefferson’s latter years. This tradition dwells on the effects of political processes on government administration as well as the importance of connecting contemporary public policy with republican principles that are found in the constitution. Jefferson once stated that he knew of â€Å"no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves†¦every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone† (Farmer 76). To Jefferson, power resides in the people being governed and not to those doing the governing. The Madisonian school of thought holds that the best public administration practices are to be achieved through the separation of powers between national government and the state. To Madison power should be shared between the central and federal governments. The Madisonian Tradition of Public Administration focuses on the need of proper representation under a constitutional institution is the basis that should be used to share power (Warwick and Reed 156). Woodrow Wilson referred Public Administration to as a â€Å"government in action†. He also added that public administration was the executive, the operative and â€Å"the most visible side of government†. The Wilsonian Public Administration tradition emphasizes that public administration should function separately from the interests of the leaders. This school of thought says that power should be left in the hands of an active central government (Farmer 27). Public administration has greatly evolved over the years. The first

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Review of Litterature on Finance and Potential Areas of Development Literature

Of Litterature on Finance and Potential Areas of Development for Further Reseaarch - Literature review Example Thus the concept of finance includes several underlying theories and understanding that make the system applicable towards the achievement of the financial goals and objectives of the business organizations or the world as a whole. The present study focuses on a literature review thereby discussing on the studies of several researchers on the topic of finance and would try to determine the potential areas of development for further research. Literature Review on Finance: The following literature review has been based on the studies conducted by several researchers as obtained from journals and different articles. These literatures have been particularly focused on the severe issue of economic and financial crisis that is capable of impacting the entire world through the phase of recession. The studies have been based on the issues of the theories discussed by the researchers and no quantitative analyses have been involved. The study has been narrowed down in the sense that irrelevant materials have not been included in the review. Since the length of the paper has been limited, hence number of sources has been considered accordingly. However the researches have been analyzed critically determining their objectives, and the strengths and weaknesses of the studies. In terms of the purpose of the study, only those researches have been included that are appropriate and relevant to the financial literatures and readers would be able to relate to the issues relevantly. A study conducted by Christian Marazzi reflects an understanding of the financial crisis and the nature of the problems considering the transformation that have been taking place over the years. Marazzi is an Italian economist who conducted an analysis of the global crisis that he considered as a new type of crisis that involved neo-liberal financial capitalism. He focused on the problems related to finance that have been mounting up over the years. Concentrating on the recent global economic crisis, h e stressed on the level of unemployment and difficulties that the world was supposed to be encountered with. He mentioned that the financial deficits were leading to insolvency crisis hampering the banking system as a whole. In this regard he criticized the easy solutions considered by reformists. (Bria, 2009, pp.388-394). Marazzi’s study can be considered to be focused and relevant to the issues and impacts of financial crisis. He has tried to related theoretical aspects with the prevailing financial status across the world. However it can also be said that the study could be tried to be more specific in determining the measures that might effectively resolve problems associated with financial crises. Similar to Marazzi’s the study conducted by Barsky and DeLong lacked the wide ranging aspects and approach to specific measures in the context of financial crises and their impacts. Barsky and DeLong in their studies discussed about the fluctuations of the stock markets. According to them, fluctuations in the stock market are reflected by the asset pricing model that considers the present-value concept in the context of the efficient markets. The fluctuations that have been visible in the US financial markets over the years have been obtained to be in consistence with

Monday, October 14, 2019

Domestic and Community Violence Essay Example for Free

Domestic and Community Violence Essay Domestic abuse and child abuse cases have been on the rise in the recent past causing child and human rights activists to seek for ways of containing the situation. Previous studies have concluded that the cases of child abuse and domestic violence have risen in America and the world at large because of poor approaches used to contain them. In addition, the shocking news that more than 1,200 children die each year due to child abuse and a good percentage of them are girls less than 16years is worrying both parents and teachers. The rise in violence prevalence has been attributed to; poor child upbringing, poverty, modernization, lack of knowledge and neglect because studies have proved that abused ‘children’ will abuse their children in future etc (Nocav and Bourbonnais, 2002) The following issues indicate different stories; First, the U. S Advisory Board on Child Abuse has suggested that both child abuse and domestic violence may be the single major precursor to the main fatalities in the country hence the seriousness of the matter. This has come at a time when a survey conducted early this year found out that school age children who witness and exhibit violence of any form not only in their families but also in the churches, towns or schools suffer from problems such as; anxiety, depression and violence towards their peers. This calls for urgent strategies to prevent and address them at once. The best of them is the use of teachers to counsel the abused children, report suspected cases or take any necessary action that will be suitable. Teachers and domestic violence initiative program It has been noticed that more and more cases of child and domestic violence go unnoticed because of stigmatization or fear of retaliation especially by children. The main solution according to this program is to use the interactive ability of our teachers in schools to strictly follow any cases of suspected child abuse either directed to the child or to the parents. Children are very talkative especially with good interaction with their teachers are golden opportunities that can be used to assist those fighting the vice to get access to unreported cases. The objective of this program is to improve system and community responses of abuse of children and their families. All people today face the challenge of developing enhanced policies and programs to meet the increased need for curbing child abuse cases. This program will therefore ensure that members of the community respond immediately to allegations of child and women abuse. This report will deal with a program suitable for teachers in our schools to be in the front line in preventing domestic violence in our society. (Lupton and Power, 2002) The program considers the motivational tactics of getting teachers interact with their children outside the classroom and that they get the opportunity of knowing the problems children undergo while in class. It is obvious that children’s performance while in class reduce especially for abused children. In this program, teachers especially those teachers who teach children in lower grade classes will be taken through training sessions on how to interact more effectively with their students in class. The training sessions will also include learning the signs of domestically abused of sexually abused children The program will involve the utilization of services from survivors and activists who will keep the tracers well informed and properly equipped with the skills to handle, report and discuss cases of violence through the children. In that case, the children will be able to inform their teachers that their parents were quarrelling last night, they were raped last week or even misused over the weekend. These and other reporting tactics will be fundamental in helping the police to further investigate the allegations. As long as they will be funds to help schools identify troubled and troubled children at an early stage, it will be possible to rectify any impacts that might have been created by the abuses children go through. This program will therefore go a long way in boosting reconciliation and cutting incidences of crime and violence in our schools and society. When children are troubled and very disruptive in schools and at home, that is a sign of warning that children are either not being taken care of or they are experiencing some bad habits at home. It is then that teachers, parents and counselors come to look for causes of the wearied behaviors. The program described above will help in ensuring that such kind of strategies is achieved. (Nocav and Bourbonnais, 2002) Conclusion Teachers have a role to play in eradication domestic violence and child abuse in our society. They can do so by creating close interactions with their students who will then reveal what happens behind the curtains either to themselves or the house-help or any of their parents. Since the teachers will be given the opportunity to learn more about social and domestic violence, then it will be possible to change social and institutional norms that perpetuate family violence in the future. Together with other domestic violence programs, child welfare agencies and community organizers everybody can take part in forming effective collaborations and build partnership that will at the long run promote safe and health families. References Nocav, S. and Bourbonnais, C. (2002): No Room of Her Own. A Literature Review on â€Å"Women and Homelessness† CMHC Ottawa Lupton, R and Power, A. (2002): Social Exclusion Neighborhoods. In Understanding Social Exclusion† Hills J, Le Grand J. Piachaud D. Edn pp. 118- 140: Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Essay -- essays research papers

Napoleon was one of the most important figures in European history. As one of the greatest military leaders, Napoleon did many things to modernize the European nations he ruled.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1769, Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, Corsica. His middle class family was of Italian descent. After completing his education, Napoleon went to France to become a solider.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Napoleon’s first battle as leader of an army, he became famous. By pointing artillery at the British, Napoleon drove them out of Toulon. The Directory then sent him to Italy to attack an army of Austrians. After this victory, Napoleon gained more fame and was known as a hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Along with his brother and soldiers, Napoleon carried out a Coup D’etat. Coup D’etat is an illegal take over of the government by the military. Napoleon then gained the title First Council, or dictator of France.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During his dictatorship, Napoleon developed a system of laws called the Napoleonic Code. Under these laws, all citizens were considered equal, were granted freedom of religion, and were ensured jobs according to their ability. The laws also helped to establish the bank of France. Paper money was provided for the first time, and citizens were required to pay taxes. Napoleon also enforced laws of the revolution. Aside from the development of the Napoleonic Code, Napoleon developed a Lycees'. This was the beginning of the...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Flag Football :: essays research papers

Whether it's running around and grabbing the opponents flag, or running around and pushing people out of the way for the touchdown, flag football is a great sport to increase adrenaline. Playing flag football gives players energy and helps keep them in shape. The constant movement helps work ones cardio and keeps one active. It is fun to play because players gat to play with friends and meet new people. It helps players work together and have competition. Everyone who likes doing a variety of exercises and likes to have fun could enjoy flag football in more ways than one. Flag football is not only a great sport, but it is also getting exercise in without one knowing it. Flag football requires moving around all the time. It keeps cardio up and keeps one on the move. Running around with a football gets the players? legs moving and other players as well because they chase the football. Flag football keeps ones arms active. Throwing a football or catching it can help the players? muscles in their arms. Most players like using their arms and legs to play which makes flag football a popular sport. With flag football being a well-known sport, most students want to try it out. Other students will most likely end up playing with people they know or can get to know. When playing with friends, players will get more active and try harder. It gets more out of them because they are excited to play. Trying to impress someone with mad throwing skills or speed could increase a player?s performance. Some players may meet new people and get new friends. Flag football is a social yet active sport that helps players get together. With friends, enemies, and other players playing flag football, most players will get along and work together. When not working together, there is even competition. Players need to throw a ball to get it across the field. They have to plan with teammates how to do that. In flag football, there is good, clean competition. To get some one tagged, all the players have to do is pull the flag without hurting the players.

Friday, October 11, 2019

First Investments, Inc. Essay

Basic Industries is a diversified multinational corporation with major shares in various electric related markets. There is stock that has been held since the early 1980s and we have been asked to analyze and evaluate the past 10 years of data to either sell or continue holding the shares. We have also been asked to closely compare years 1993-1994 and not include the strike years 1989-1990. Through my analysis, I found that Basic Industries should hold on to the stocks. This can be backed up with several ratios and analysis for it, like the following: Equity turnover is the highest during 1994, following the trend in increase. If this continues then the company will keep producing more and more revenue with the investments. Asset turnover is also the highest in 1994, and also if this continues (which according the trend it should) there will be a bigger increase in the  reflection of the total assets being efficiently used to produce revenues. Lastly the equity multiplier is showing its highest value in year 1994. Reflecting the increase in how efficiently shareholders’ equity is being used to make assets. All the ratios above come from the DuPont formula, the formula that is used to find Return on Equity. So in theory ROE should be at its highest during the year of 1994. This is not the case due to the decrease in net income and profit margin. This decrease can be best explained by the increase in the interest expense ratio, causing the yearly interest expense to be higher and higher. From our net income sheet, we can see that when there are more expenses, there is less net income – ultimately leading to a drop in Equity. Return on Equity will take a hit from this higher interest expense each year. If the company wants to increase ROE again with good quality, they must continue to hold the investments to produce more revenue and ultimately assets as well. However, they must decrease the interest expense rate by either paying off debt or refinancing their short-term and long term debt. These two decisions will surely reflect an increase in ROE again, unless there is another strike or major economy crash. INTRODUCTION We have been asked to solve the assignment given to Fred Aldrich, which is analyzing the data of Basic Industries for the past ten years and making investment recommendations. Basic Industries is a global corporation that holds shares in various electrical related markets. The most recent annual report – 1994, shows a decline in the return on owners’ equity. This has some investors worried and they want him to figure out how the return on equity has been achieved in the past ten years. Fred has been suggested to forget the years 1989-1990 since there were strikes and the data wouldn’t be as comparable to other years. He has also been suggested to focus on the analysis for key financial ratios and direct  comparison between years 1993-1994, the most recent years. We have to focus on the quality of the company’s earning since the investors place an emphasis for it. Our end recommendation should be whether or not we hold on to the stocks because they are generating healthy equity. The first thing to do was calculate some key financial ratios for all eight years to be able to get a grasp on the trends for equity. Second, is to go more in depth analysis between years 1993-1994 to see why there is a drop in equity. After valuation, we should be able to determine whether or not the drop on equity was due to the stock investments or maybe it was due to something else. Lastly, calculating the quality of earnings will be a key factor for deciding whether or not to keep the stocks – but maybe change something else within the company to raise return on equity again. ANALYSIS AND CALCULATIONS Below are all the ratios and percentages used to support the analysis: From the calculations above, we can conclude that Return on Equity has a smooth trend over the eight years. Return on Equity is lower in the year 1994, which is why investors are worried. But this can be explained with some other ratios. The reason why ROE (Return on Equity) is lower in 1994 is because of the operating profit being lower as well, the year 1992 had the highest operating profit margin and then it started slowly dropping. Equity turnover has slowly being increasing throughout the years; this is a good sign. It means that the company has been producing more and more revenue with the investment – in this case all the shares in the various electrical related markets. Another good sign for the investment is the asset turnover ratio increasing throughout the years. This reflects that the assets are being efficiently used in the production of revenues. So far, we can conclude that the company is allocating assets in the right manners to produce the maximum revenues possible, and we know that the investment has also being increasing its turnover ratio. Lastly, the equity multiplier is showing an increase through the years; reflecting how efficient  shareholders’ equity is being used to create assets. So, why is ROE lower in 1994 if the ratios above show otherwise? This is because the interest expense has been increasing year by year; this decreases the quality of earnings since there is more interest being paid for long-term and short-term debt. Even though the company is paying more money, they are getting into more debt and paying high interest rates for such that ultimately reduces net income and therefore reduces ROE. After analyzing the decreasing tax rate, we can say that interest expense and its ratio has also being increasing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tennessee William’s Battle with Homosexuality Through Brick in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”

Tennessee Williams' Battle With Homosexuality Through Brick Tennessee Williams wrote a variety of plays over the course of his life. Although all his characters have differences from play to play, there are many patterns that can easily be recognized which reflect his struggles in his daily life. What can be noted in the patterns is not only the words the actor speaks or what is said on stage, but also the direction Williams gives them. Certain directions seem to be subtle speeches from Williams. Much of the direction is not just a movement but a literal feeling from Williams.The portrayal of Brick in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof mirrors the emotional struggle Williams had with accepting himself as an openly gay man in a closeted society. Reading Williams' plays, you get the vague idea of what his personal life and family were like. He grew up with an alcoholic father. His mother was distraught. After a childhood illness, Williams didn't grow into the broad shouldered, strong man his father wanted him to be. Although he knew his sister, Rose, was in trouble living with his father, Williams still left for college.Rose was more outspoken about their father's insane behavior caused by the alcohol, however she was forced to have a lobotomy in 1937 which left her brain damaged. Williams could neither â€Å"assert himself during family quarrels nor retreat† (Hayman 44). After going to the University of Columbia for a stint and failing out of military training, his father pulled him out and put him to work at a shoe factory in St. Louis. His hatred for the monotonous work of the shoe factory drove him to fill all his spare time with writing. Williams' writing included much of his past with his dysfunctional family.After Williams' enrolled at Washington University, his parents separated due to his raging alcoholic father. His outlet for being so misunderstood by his family, but also for running away, was his writing. Throughout the 20th century, there were a number of plays written about homosexuality. Although the topic was either avoided or never straightforwardly asked nor answered, Williams' characters had an internal battle with themselves. Coping with vices such as alcohol was common in his writings. â€Å"The plays were appeals for tolerance,† Hornby states, Misunderstood and despised—sometimes even by himself†¦ the homosexual had to come to grips with an excruciating problem. † Brick portrayed through his physical ailment, alcohol abuse and heartbreak over his dear friend, Skipper, became the prime example of how â€Å"homosexuality became a metaphor for self-knowledge, a growing awareness of the weaknesses and mortality that we all have† (278). Williams' stage direction paints the picture before the play even begins. In stage direction prior, we find out that the plantation, which will at some point be inherited hopefully by Brick has an odd past. [The room] hasn't changed much since it was occupied by the original owners of the place, Jack Straw and Peter Ochello, a pair of old bachelors who shared this room and all their lives together. † An element of suspense through Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is that there is no solid proof of homosexual activity confirmed, only assumed by the audience. He goes on to state that, â€Å"the room must evoke some ghosts; it is gently and poetically haunted by a relationship which must have involved a tenderness which was uncommon† (880).In Bibler's analysis of the structure of plantation life during this time, he discusses the importance of this â€Å"mythic love, loyalty, and devotion† present in the past relationship their life is now built upon. Williams' addition of the stage designer notes cause Brick's insecurities to seem as though he is regressing from the strength of the previous owners' â€Å"unnatural† relationship. From the beginning of â€Å"Cat On A Hot Tin Roof,† Maggie is not appreciated, barely recognize d, and needs more out of their relationship, especially children.Going along with the consistence of most of Williams' plays, Brick is the self-loathing drunk and Maggie is the tense, crazy wife. She puts up with so much due to her goals of family money from Brick's side. Her husband is an attractive man despite his injury and vices as Maggie is also portrayed and beautiful yet Brick has no interest in her. She is on edge because she is lonely yet still in a relationship with the shell of a man she once knew. Brick refuses to make love to her so they will not have an heir of their own. He has an injury to his leg which is a constant reminder of memories with his deceased friend, Skipper.His literal injury needs his crutch while his loneliness relies on alcohol. In the first scene, it is brought to the attention of the audience that the relationship between Brick and Skipper was fueled by more than just a common friendship and was emotionally stronger than something which could be co nsidered so simple. The play opens with Maggie attempting to woo Brick and with no success, in the second scene, it seems she snaps. Maggie is dramatic trying to get a reaction out of Brick, yet his offer is for her to just take another man.Simple as that. She then tries to forcefully have him and there is then the comical scene of Brick fending Maggie off with a chair as if she is a crazed animal. The lack of a passionate relationship between Brick and Maggie is due to his closeted homosexual desires. Maggie is the sexually frustrated and figurative â€Å"cat† on a hot tin roof. The man she loves and wants has no interest in her. He is basically handicapped by, not only his sexual desires at that time, but also emotional. This as a mirror of Tennessee Williams' actual life.He was commonly, â€Å"wanted but women he quite liked, without feeling any desire for them† (Hayman 147). In another way, Williams felt guilt for leaving his sister behind much like Brick felt guil ty for Skipper's confession of his love followed by his death. Williams also had his own vices, whether it be alcohol or sedatives, to deal with the â€Å"crippled† aspect of his own life fueled by being misunderstood in a dysfunctional family. By this time of his career writing Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, he had the standing as a wealthy white man. He portrayed himself in Brick as a closeted homosexual regardless of being out.His lifestyle choices could be skated around in daily life yet he would never be accepted in society at that time. Nearing the end of the first act, Brick makes a statement of honesty that is close to admission. â€Å"One man has one great good true thing in his life,† Brick states, â€Å"One great good thing which is true – I had friendship with Skipper†¦ Not love with you, Maggie, but friendship with Skipper† (Williams 45). It is never fully stated through the play the full truth of what happened between Brick and Skipper other th an the two of them holding hands as friends across two twin beds.However, his statement addresses the emotional intimacy of their relationship between the men. Disregard physical judgements and the friendship between the them was still stronger than the marriage Brick has with his wife, Maggie. Williams struggled in his own personal life with all the personal issues he presented through Brick. â€Å"Williams exercised the caution of a man living in times of intolerance concerning homosexuality, homophobic sentiments which he did not share,† explained Canadas,† but, rather, challenged, subtle — even, covert — as his methods may appear with the benefit of hindsight† (58).

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Luckily, I met a new English teacher in my secondary school. In that time, our class girls were enthralled by an American pop stars -Jesse McCarty. We often played his song in leisure time. The teacher knew that she used Jesses song to teach us the meaning of lyrics. Also she encouraged we should be form interest to learning. Usually she recommended American drama and movie to us. I appreciate such teacher to understand student's situation, so that since that time we concentrate on English classes till now.In addition, I am going to attend a high diploma life for 20 months. I recognize that I have to enter the society after these months so I will enjoy my student life and through the regular classes and supplementary course to improve my English tankard Indeed, I have to say that I love to attend EPA classes because I can learn different kind of English as well as some aspect of knowledge such like What is consciousness, In this topic, I may attempt to figure out what is the differen t between science and philosopher.Then, there are some passages are very interesting like exploring the nature of illness; I find that we are often insensible to use irrational methods but related to our culture. It is vital to enhance my comprehension in reading English. Moreover, there are many opportunities for students to have conversations with there in English and a lot of presentations in school. Besides, the teacher usually gives us spaces to argue and fight for our own opinions, like Do you agree canned foods is important when we are in foods of shortage?I foresee that participating in all these section, I will get my skill of presentation well. Furthermore, it can train my speaking in English fluently. Since I lack of confident on English performance, through this practice I can speak confidently in English. On the other hand, there are completely using English in classes so that I have a great environment to listen and peak English accurately What is more, I have Joined t he course of English for metropolitan life.It is a good complementary system to use at home or in school. During these 20 months, I would like to take the class, use telephone English and Join the activities to cultivate an English environment. I have heard from my classmate there are having fun in activities, he said that you are easy to express yourself in English because you are playing games. At last, In order to obtain a chance to be a university student, I would like to Join LILTS examination after 20 months. I hope that I will score 6. 5.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial Management - Essay Example on lies with the management in procuring funds from economic sources, it is also necessary to consider the effects of such acquisitions from the company’s point of view. Therefore, the financial sagacity of any business imply in how economically such funds are procured. It includes administration and maintenance of financial assets. From the point of view of the organisation financial management is the processes associated with the mobilization of funds from the various sources when needed at an acceptable cost which is called Financing Decision through banks and other financial institutions, and control the fund flow by monitoring their use to ensure the procurement and deployment of funds according to the plan. (Financial Management). Northern PLC is a manufacturing company which has sub-divisions globally. The company is facing deficiency of funds. There are many sources for financing the company through Capital market (through Shares, Debt Securities, and Venture Capital). Capital market is the place where government, institutions and individuals trade financial securities for funds. Two major capital markets are stock and bond market. Some of the examples of the capital are New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX). It provides economic efficiency by channelling money from those who have no immediate productive use. In capital market the cash or savings which is risk free are converted into risky assets for the benefit in the future. If the company is not performing well then there will be decrease in the share price of the company which would result in the dissatisfaction of the shareholders like the suppliers, customers and other stakeholders of the company. If the company is performing well, the share price increases and because of this the shareholder gets the benefit as dividends. The company that is giving the regular dividend has a slight edge. (Woepking). 1. Weak form efficiency- In this the share price reflects the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Energy drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Energy drinks - Essay Example Other components of energy drinks include water, minerals, and ions among other. Many researchers have found them quite harmful and helpful in equal measures. This article analyzes several benefits and risks of energy drinks has on a person. In addition, the essay stimulates other researchers to conduct more studies on this subject and illustrate how to deal with energy drinks. Energy Drinks are associated with a variety of benefits especially for athletes, which are related with the stimulation of the muscles to enable the athletes perform at their optimum. However, there have been recent concerns over the possibility of caffeine intoxication of the energy drinks, owing to the fact that some of the energy drinks range their caffeine content from â€Å"50 mg to an alarming 505 mg† (Reissiga, Straina & Griffithsb, 2009). The major aim of the energy drink consumption is to provide energy for sustenance, endurance, concentration and performance, thus the energy drinks are manufactured and advertized targeting athletes, students and individuals in professions requiring high concentration (Gunja & Brown, 2012). Basically, the benefit associated with energy drinks is that they provide sustained and prolonged energy that can enable individuals to continue undertaking certain activities for a long time. Therefore, energy drinks have not only been used by at hletes and students, but also by people in dance parties, who are seeking to sustain the party activities into late hours (Gunja & Brown, 2012). Despite the fact that caffeine is a safe substance according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it should be limited to maximum of 71 mg per serving (Johnson, Foster & McDowe, 2014). This simply means that the excessive content of caffeine contained in the energy drinks, up to a maximum of 500 mg per serving, has the potential of causing caffeine intoxication (Johnson, Foster & McDowe, 2014). The major target of the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Steel making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Steel making - Essay Example The process of steel making process involves producing steel from either the ferrous scrap or from iron. During the steel making practice, there is the removal of excessive impurities, among which are silicon, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorous from raw iron, together with other elements of alloy like nickel, vanadium, chromium and manganese, for the production of different steel grades (Mohammed, Stephen, and Seetharaman 1566). The limitation of dissolved gases that include oxygen and nitrogen, as well as all other impurities entrained within steel is important for enhancing the product quality cast from the initial liquid state. Two important processes are involved in steel making; the electric arc furnace, and Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS). The latter uses scrap steel and blast-based liquid pig-iron as the major feed materials, whereas the former makes use of the direct reduced iron or the scrap steel (Mao, Pan, Pang, and Chai 67). The oxygen steel making is exclusively fueled by the reaction’s exothermic nature within the vessels, while the electric arc furnace (EAF) process makes use of the electric energy for melting of the solid scrap material. Introduction of additional chemical energy for EAF processes has enhanced the evolution of the process to almost equal the technological expertise involved in oxygen steel making. The modern processes for steel making can be classified as primary or secondary. The primary steel making generally entails the conversion of liquid iron from an original steel scrap and blast furnace to steel by the melting of scrap, or basic oxygen steel making, and the use of direct reduced iron within the electric arc furnace (Seiji, Yoshiyuki, and Masuro 13). The secondary process of steel making, however, entails the refinery of crude steel prior to casting, and this involves numerous operations in the ladles. The addition of alloying agents occurs during the secondary metallurgy

Saturday, October 5, 2019

To what extent is netanyahu speech in Congress 2015 view the nuclear Movie Review

To what extent is netanyahu speech in Congress 2015 view the nuclear deal - Movie Review Example It consists of two houses the House of Representatives and the senate. The congress meets in capitol which is located in Washington D.C. Benjamin claimed that this deal would create two chief concessions which act as a threat to Israel’s security as well as the region. This will be through retention of Iran’s ability to initiate a nuclear weapons program.1 Netanyahu termed it as a bad deal and explained that Israel is much better without the deal. The speech welcomed mixed views and responses from people of all the walks of life as the document analyzes.1 The speech encompassed strong views against the American Iranian negotiations that are underway. This speech stirred up some political controversy of the two countries. He noted that these negotiations will just guarantee that Tehran gets the nuclear weapons to harm the entire world. Netanyahu also noted that from the previous attempts, it is evident that Iran is a nation that cannot be trusted. This is irrespective of whatever they say in terms of whichever accord designed to stop it from acquiring those weapons. He also noted in the speech that the world is now facing the danger of the Islamic militant marriage with the nuclear weapons. The members of the house expressed varying opinions concerning these Netanyahu’s words. A loud applause was received. However the applause came from the republicans while the democrats revealed a restrained reaction. According to Netanyahu, after the deal will be done Iran was to receive two major concessions. One concession was to leave intact the Iran’s vast nuclear infrastructure. The other concession was to lift the restrictions on this program in like a decade. According to Netanyahu, the world should make sure that no restrictions get lifted on the nuclear program on Iran (New York Times 2). This will be until Iran stops all the aggressive activities against its neighbors in Mideast, seize supporting terrorism in the globe and refrain from annihilating

Friday, October 4, 2019

Movie Juxtaposition Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Juxtaposition - Movie Review Example The director of the film employed juxtaposing to emphasis on some themes that are presented in the film. For instance, we are aware that the colonizers interest in the island is due to their search for treasure such as gold. However, the film does present an unusual treasure in the form of a beautiful land and the people who we know as savage turn out to be social beings (Buescher and Ono 128). The ensuing theme of romance is captured well with a princess in the picture, and although Smith may not be a prince, he is a handsome guy fit to be a prince in the eyes of Pocahontas (133). Pocahontas, the protagonist in the movie, is a beautiful princess who is to be wedded off to a man she does not love. Already the movie presents the idea of a damsel in distress hoping for a rescue from a knight. The victory of love is supported by the possibility of a romance growing between the Smith a foreigner and Pocahontas. In winning the heart of Pocahontas, we have a contrasting image of the usual malevolent colonialism presented by john smith. According to Buescher and Ono, the colonial image presented by Smith is of a benevolent nature illustrated in the film through his accommodation feminism, environmentalism and multiculturalism. This nature of Smith juxtaposed with the nature of Governor Ratcliffe makes Smith a prince charming (135). Pocahontas represents a woman who dreams of an exciting life other than the provincial life. This representation of Pocahontas is juxtaposed with Smiths heroic figure; his colonizing experience makes him the perfect rescuer for Pocahontas. The director of the movie juxtaposes nature and Pocahontas in emphasising on the relationship between nature and women. However, we are aware of the beliefs the Indians have on powers present in nature. In this case, Pocahontas utilised the power of the wind eagle and other natural spirits to save smith from

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Types of Advertising Essay Example for Free

Types of Advertising Essay

Medical Marijuana and the Legalization Debate

Medical Marijuana and the Legalization Debate Introduction Medical marijuana or medical cannabis can be defined as the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana itself is a drug that comes from the cut and dried leaves of hemp plant also referred to as cannabis sativa. Its most active ingredient is delta tetrahydrocannibinol. Throughout history marijuana has been used in many different cultures to change perception, mood and consciousness. Its effects range from provoking mystical experiences to the increment of creativity. It comes second from alcohol in the list of recreational drugs. Around the globe, it has been used for many purposes. For example in the primitive tribes of South America India and Africa it is used for religious and ceremonies and also for some medical purposes. For instance the African mine workers used it in easing the drudgery of their work while the Jamaicans used it in the evenings to ease or relieved their fatigue. The ancient Persians, Greeks, East Indians, Assyrians and Romans used marijuana as the drug fo r controlling reducing muscles spasms, treating indigestion and the reduction of pain (Roth Rebecca 1). There are two sides on the issue of legalization of marijuana and each side has a multitude of reasons as to why medical marijuana should be legalized. This leaves one unsure of which side is credible. Reasons as to why medical marijuana should not be legalized. There are some reasons as to why the some people in the society are refuting the legalization of medical marijuana. One of the reasons is that medical marijuana is perceived to be addictive in many countries. For example in the united states of America the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classified marijuana as a schedule 1 drug on basis that it contained high potential for abuse. This was propelled by the perception that people who consume it usually get hooked up therefore becoming potheads and the drug eventually dominates their lives. They also believe that the frequent overuse of the drug can lead to lethargic behaviors or even serious health problems. Addiction is brought by the fact that there is a possibility that someone treated for chronic periods of time for a constant pain will eventually become more dependent on the drug. He will also require high amounts than before. This addiction may lead to death due to respiratory failure. Another reason as to why some people are against the legalization of the medical marijuana is because they hold the idea that it has no accepted medical use. For example marijuana may yield considerable medical benefits for many patients with ailments such as cancer and glaucoma but these benefits have not been universally accepted both nationally and internationally. Another reason as to why many people are opposing this initiative is that it is historically linked to narcotics such as cocaine and heroine. For example in America the early anti-drug laws were stipulated so that they may regulate narcotics which included opium and its derivatives such morphine and heroine. These anti-drug laws also regulated marijuana although it is not a narcotic. The other reason is that some people believe that marijuana as a drug is associated with unfashionable styles. This is because often many people have taken marijuana to be the drug for losers and hippies. They feel that its legalization wil l lead to increased number of losers and hippies and therefore imposing of criminal sanctions against people who are found to be in possession of marijuana is perceived to a form of communal protection or tough love. Some people who are opposing the legalization of medical marijuana feel that there is no enough evidence to show that the drugs cure disease. In some countries (Holland and Amsterdam) where medical marijuana is considered to be illegal, it is assumed that marijuana can not be used for medical purposes because of some harmful effect brought about by its use. For example it is assumed that it affects the skills required for one to drive safely because it lowers alertness or the ability to concentrate, ability to react quickly and personal coordination. It also affects the driving skills by making it difficult for one to react to signals, sounds on the road and judge distances. Other harmful consequence of marinol drug which is made from marijuana include premature cancer, mental disorders such as depression, increased aggressiveness and hostility, memory loss, general apathy impairment of the immune system and the reproductive disabilities. For example scientific studies indicate that marijuana weakens the immune system of people suffering from AIDS for it is estimated that marijuana smokers who are HIV positive progress to the full blown aids twice as fast as the non-smokers. Opposers of legalization of the medical marijuana also believe that legalizing of the drug will lead to increased access to marijuana for the young population who are most likely to be damaged by the drug use. They also argue that there are many other drugs which can be used in the treatment of the same diseases. Therefore, the use of marijuana for medical purposes is uncalled for. The opposers continue to assert that it is harmful because it is an unstable mixture made up of more those 425 chemicals which usually convert to thousands especially when it is being smoked ( 1) Reasons as to why medical marijuana should be legalized. A raging debate has ensued about the legalization of the marijuana medicine. The proponents of the legalization of marijuana believe that marijuana should be moved to a schedule II drug so that it can be useful to a point that it can be prescribed by a doctor. They also believe that it doesnt cause some health problems like those caused by alcohol or tobacco such as strong addiction, cancer, heart problems, birth defects liver damage and emphysema. They also believe that death from an overdose is impossible. A study carried out by the UCLA school of medicine which featured 243 marijuana smokers over 8 years of smoking has shown that neither the intermitted nor the continuing marijuana smokers showed any declining rates in the lung function compared to the people who have never smoked marijuana (Barry 1). Many proponents also believe that many people are arrested and charged when they take marijuana for treatment since many people would rather face the law that die of certain diseases which can be remedied by marijuana. They also assert that scientific and medical tests dating back to thousand of years point to the medical properties of cannabis. They also state that thousands of doctors, patients and their families have also have also witnessed the medical benefits of marijuana because they have told other through testimonies in public hearing and also in the mass media. They have also contributed to books and even research studies on the drug. The proponents claim that the phenomenon (use of marijuana for medical purposes) is real and those who say the evidence is not sufficient are missing the point. They also argue that the evidence is enough for one to declare that there is no any valuable reason as to why medical patients who use marijuana for legitimate medical reason should be subjected to arrest, jails, public embarrassment and fines. They argue that the decisions about the use or purposes of marijuana lie in the hand s of doctors and patients. Some countries or states have legalized and others are pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana because of its positive attributes which include the medical value and its use as a recreational drug accompanied by relatively mild side effects. Many people believe that its a good treatment of some ailments. For example it provide the relief in pain, spasticity, nausea and many other symptoms which have not been successfully been treated with conventional medications. This is evident from the State of California whereby the smoking of marijuana has effectively been used in the relieving of chronic HIV associated nerve pains which were characterized by aching, burning and painful numbness. The patients were advised to smoke marijuana at least three times a day so that they can do away with the pain. People say it helps cancer patients because they believe it can stimulate appetite therefore alleviating the vomiting and nausea associated with the chemotherapy procedures (Sanfranc 1). It is also argued that marijuana offers a mild and moderate way of relaxing unlike alcohol which has some of the vices associated with it such as frequent urination, nausea and at times vomiting especially when the individual had not taken some food before drinking taking it. After personal observations done by many people it is said that marijuana can be a good choice of drug because it has relatively low dependence liability and it is a little bit easier to control its side effects compared to the other drugs. It is believed that most of the marijuana users mainly develop tolerance to the drugs side effects and those who do not then stop using the drug with an immediate effect ( 1). Conclusively, legalization of marijuana is a hotly contested debate between the opposers and proposers. Each side has got a multitude of reasons to support its respective stand and this creates an evenly balanced debate. Some of the medical reasons cited by one side are a counter to the reasons put forward by the other side. This creates a quagmire regarding the whole issue as one is unsure of which side is more credible. Works cited The Medical Marijuana Guide, 2009. Retrieved from  The source talks about the diseases which can be treated through the use of marijuana as the medicine Roth, Rebecca. Medical Marijuana, 2008. Retrieved from  This source talks about the history of marijuana a and how it was used the past or its main uses. The Top Ten Reasons Marijuana Should Be Legal, 2007. Retrieved from  The article gives some of the reasons as to why there should be the legalization of the medical marijuana Marijuana should not be legal because, 2000. Retrieved from  The article gives some of the reasons as to why some people do not support the legalization of medical marijuana Barry, Ian. Legalize marijuana, 2009. Retrieved from The article gives some of the examples of the fact that marijuana is not harmful and also explains why medical marijuana should be legalized.